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产品: 浏览次数:332探照灯8015 
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-03-14 10:58
ZC-80151、连续照明10小时之久2、采用最新型进口LED超高亮度灯泡15只,光学镜片,光束更集中,清晰的聚光照明3、射程约1000米4、集光性能好5、颜色:黑 一、产品特点:1、内置充电免维护,容量高达1500MAH,输出电压,4.2V密封铅酸蓄电池。2、超长寿命电池,高达250次以上循环充放使用。3、采用高科技超高亮度LED灯泡(可聚光,长寿命,耗电低,照明时间长)适应户外高强远程射程照明。4、充足电可连续使用约10小时。二、使用说明书:1、第一次使用前先对本产品充足10小时。2、充电时将交流插头完全推出,直接插入220V交流电源插座上,相应充电指示灯亮,充足电需要15小时。3、使用开关往前推聚光照明灯亮(ON),开关往后推开关(OFF)。4、强力照明灯户外作业,可采用背带使用。三、注意事项:1、能量用完后,请及时充电(充电时请远离易燃易爆物品)2、产品充电时切勿使用,以免烧坏LED灯泡或电源内部充电部件.3、产品最长充电时间不能超过15小时(建议白天充电)4、如果长时间没有使用,请三个月补充一次,以确保电池持久寿命。四、品质保证:属本厂产品质量问题,自购置之时起保修期为三个月,(非正确使用而致使产品损坏,烧坏的,不属保修之列)用于抗洪,刑侦追捕,消防急救,现场勘查,民用照明,巡逻防哨ZC-801515LED Super Micron Technology1KM*Flood-fighting emergency *Scene investigation*The punishment detects captures*Civil illumination*Fire first aid*The patrol guards ag-ainst the sentry postFeature1、 Built-in high up to 1500MAH free maintenance sealed lead-acid rechargeable battery.2、 Long life battery which can be cycled to drain and charge up to more than 250 times for using 3、 Use high-tech purple-light money-detecting lamp distinguish theanti-fake watermark and multi-function.4、 Continuous working time at full charge:10 hoursHOW to use3. Charge toe lamp for 10 hours before using it at the first time.4. To charge the lamp,push out the AC plug totally and directly plug it into 220V AC power supply ,the charging indicator will be on which shows that the unit is charging 15 hours are needed at a full charge time5. Push the switch forward the spotlight will be on push the switch backward the purple-light will on for detecting the money6. Powerful lamp with braces used for outdoorsCaution1. Please recharge it immediately after the lamp is fully drained(Keep away from inflammable and explosive goods during charging)2. The product is always in “off”state during charging so as to avoid buming from LED bulbs and inner circuit .3. The longest charging time is no more that 15 hours.4. Please charge it one time each month if the lamp is unused for a long time ,To make sure the battery life more longer.Marranty:This product is warranted under normal usage. Warranty period is 3 months from the date of purchase (Warranty does not cover the damage by failure to follow the instruction.)